Miriam Zoll

About Miriam Zoll

Miriam Zoll speaking at a conference

Miriam is an award-winning writer with 30 years of public policy and health advocacy and education experience. She is the author of the controversial book, Cracked Open: Liberty, Fertility and the Pursuit of High-Tech Babies, her eye-opening account of growing into womanhood with the simultaneous opportunities and choices afforded by the U.S. women’s movement and new discoveries in reproductive technologies. Miriam is the founding co-producer of the original Ms. Foundation for Women’s Take Our Daughters To Work Day and a former MIT Research Fellow at the Center for International Studies where her research addressed the intersection of gender inequity and poverty in HIV/AIDS-affected households in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her writing has been published by the United Nations, The Earth Institute at Columbia University, the Royal Tropical Institute, the Center for Global Development, the New York Times, the Atlantic, Slate, the Christian Science Monitor, and The Boston Globe, among other venues. She currently serves on the board of MajiMind, an internet-based mental health resource for youth and young adults, and is a practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu, an ancient Japanese healing art similar to acupuncture that balances physical and emotional disharmonies and helps heal trauma - www.jsjnoho.com. She is an emeritus member of the boards of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, College of Humanities and Fine Arts, Our Bodies Ourselves, Voice Male Magazine and the Huairou Commission, an international organization working to support grassroots women’s ability to exercise their collective political power at the global level. 

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